Meadow Pointe III clubhouse and swimming pool may be used by all residents of the Meadow Pointe community. Resident must provide proof of residence i e. driver’s license. Hours of operation are 9am to 9pm every day except for New Years, Thanksgiving and Christmas in which the clubhouse/pool is closed. Swimming pool hours are 9am to dusk every day except for the holidays listed above. Park closes at dusk. No overnight parking or loitering is permitted.
Clubhouse meeting rooms may be rented on a daily basis. Rooms are rented on four hour increment, from 10am – 2pm or 3pm – 7pm. Rental fee is $50 with a refundable $100 cleaning deposit. You may reserve in the clubhouse office or by calling 813-383-6676. We do not rent out any part of the pool area for parties or events. Pool parties are prohibited.
Key Fobs are issued to Meadow Pointe residents for convenient access to the swimming pool and fitness center. There is a $10.00 non-refundable charge to replace a lost key fob or to purchase additional key fobs. No more than four (4) Key Fobs (issued to those 18 years or older) may be held by any resident or member household at any time. This access key fob system protects you and the facility from unapproved non-resident entry. Under no circumstance should a resident or member provide their access key fob to an unapproved non-resident to allow them to utilize the amenities.
To obtain a key fob, you will be required to show proof of residence i.e. Driver’s License, State ID, utility bill or a vehicle registration. Renters will be required to provide a copy of their lease and proof of identification.
Clubhhouse documents
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